Draft table of contents of a book tracing the history of the American legal profession from the Declaration of Independence to "tort reform". 10 pages.
Publishes "primary source materials in the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government." Documents as ancient as 122 B.C. and as current as the 21st century.
This is the first chapter of William F. Patry's treatise, "Copyright Law and Practice" (BNA Books 1994). Prof. Holaar, who publishes Digital Law Online, and reprints this chapter with consent of BNA, calls it "one of the most readable and comprehensive works on copyright law."
This book excerpt includes the 2000 Cumulative Supplement to Chapter 1.
"The first edition of this publication was prepared as a reference work for the use of federal court personnel during the bicentennial year of the federal judicial system. We have revised and reissued it because of substantial interest from court personnel and students of American judicial history and politics. ... The maps illustrate the changing configuration of the districts and circuits of the federal courts in the states over time." 34 pages.
"The Historical Society's mission is to preserve and celebrate the rich history of the federal courts of the seven states that make up the Eighth Circuit. Toward this end, the Historical Society has organized separate branches for each of the United States district courts [in the Eighth Circuit]."
Photograph of the law library as temple to a learned and elite profession, i.e. in the "good old days", before legal information became more accessible electronically than in print.
"Provides an index and abstract of the criminal and civil court cases ... appealed to the territorial and state Supreme Court of Missouri up to 1861, and a partial listing of cases to 1871. A number of documents in the earliest cases date from the 1780s and 1790s[.]
Made possible through a "partnership between the Missouri State Archives, the Supreme Court of Missouri, and the Supreme Court of Missouri Historical Society. The goal is to create a complete index for case files to the present."
"Resource for all who are interested in the subject of women lawyers in the United States. Our main tool is biography, a study of the lives of the individual women lawyers, and the movements and philosophies that inspired and sustained them. "
"These pages try to list systematically and critically legal history resources in the internet.
... With every link comes a short commentary[.]" In English and German.
"]E]stablished ... in 1995 to provide scholars, policymakers, students, the media, and citizens with information about the history of American taxation. The project pursues its mission through a program of web-based documentary publication and original historical research."
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