Wisconsin Legal Reference Library
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We provide this listing of resources as a public service. If you publish an official or noncommercial resource of value to pro bono (free) lawyers and self represented litigants (a/k/a pro se parties) that we do not currently list, we hope you'll let us know about it so we can include it.
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Resources in this category:
Checklist for Pro Se Divorce in Dane County
(Dane County Clerk of Circuit Court)
Dane County Family Court Counseling Service
(Dane County, Wisconsin)
"Provides Dane County residents with mediation and evaluation services to assist in resolving custody and physical placements disputes in both divorce and paternity cases."
Rm. 108 City-County Bldg., 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Madison WI 53703. Tel: 608-266-4607.
Dane County Family Court Resource Booklet
(Dane County, Wisconsin)
Covers divorce procedures, legal issues in divorce actions, paternity procedures, court orders, termination of parental rights, the departments involved in Family Court actions, and various appendices.
"A collaborative project of the Family Court Counseling Service, Dane County Legal Resource Center, Family Court Commissioner's
Office, and the Child Support Agency." 60 pages.
Going Pro Se
(December 1, 2000)
(Wisconsin Lawyer)
"In Wisconsin, Supreme Court Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson is spearheading a movement to provide pro se assistance services to self-represented litigants and the legal community at both the local and state levels.
Guide to Small Claims Court
(July 1, 2004)
(Wisconsin Director of State Courts)
44 pages.
Legal Explorer
(State Bar of Wisconsin)
Legal information and educational resources for the public.
Legal Explorer Q & A
(State Bar of Wisconsin)
Topical information about law.
Pro Se: Meeting the Challenge of Self-Represented Litigants in Wisconsin
(December 1, 2000)
(Wisconsin Court System)
Report to Chief Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson, Wisconsin Supreme Court submitted by The Wisconsin Pro Se Working Group, December, 2000. 57 pages.
State Courts Self-Help Center
(Wisconsin State Courts)
Waukesha County Family Court Self Help Information
(Waukesha County, Wisconsin Family Court)
Award-winning site. Visit it and you'll see why.
Bibliography of Self-Help Legal Materials
(University of Minnesota Law Library)
This is a quick list of some of the best self-help legal materials available in the University of Minnesota Law Library and on the Web.
Directory of Court-Based Self Help Programs
(National Center for State Courts)
Free Immigration Removal Proceedings Legal Service Providers and Referrals
(U.S. Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review)
A nationwide, state-by-state list.
The introduction to each page states: "The following organizations and attorneys provide free legal services and/or referrals for such services to indigent individuals in immigration removal proceedings, pursuant to 8 CFR § 1003.61. Some of these organizations may also charge a nominal fee for legal services to certain low income individuals."
In Minnesota, see this page. In Nebraska, see this page.
When we visited in February 2010, there was no similar Wisconsin page, no resources for Iowa, and no page for North or South Dakota.
General Information about Patents
(U.S. Patent and Trademark Office)
Topics include: Functions of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Purpose of this Booklet, What Are Patents, Trademarks, Servicemarks, and Copyrights?, What Is a Patent?, What Is a Trademark or Servicemark?, What Is a Copyright?, Patent Laws, What Can Be Patented, Novelty and Non-Obviousness, Conditions for Obtaining a Patent, The United States Patent and Trademark Office, General Information and Correspondence, Library, Search Room Searches and Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries, The Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program,
Attorneys and Agents, Listings and Search Information on Patent Attorneys and Agents Registered to Practice before the PTO,
Disclosure Document Program, Provisional Application for Patent, Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries (PTDLs), Contacts, Who May Apply for a Patent, Application for Patent, Non-Provisional Application for a Patent, Provisional Application for a Patent, Publication of Patent Applications, Oath or Declaration, Signature, Filing Fees, Specification (Description and Claims), Drawing, § 1.84 Standards for drawings, Models, Exhibits And Specimens, Examination of Applications and Proceedings in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Restrictions, Office Action, Applicant's Reply, Final Rejection, Amendments to Application, Time for Reply and Abandonment, Appeal to the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences and to the Courts, Interferences, Allowance and Issue of Patent, Patent Term Extension and Adjustment, Nature of Patent and Patent Rights, Maintenance Fees, Correction of Patents, Assignments and Licenses, Recording of Assignments, Joint Ownership, Infringement of Patents, Patent Marking and Patent Pending, Design Patents, Plant Patents, Treaties and Foreign Patents, Foreign Applicants for United States Patents, Fees and payment (Current PTO Fees), and Frequently-Asked Questions about Patents
Inventor Resources
(U.S. Patent and Trademark Office)
"Basics for new inventors."
Inventors Assistance Center
(U.S. Patent Office Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy)
"The Inventors Assistance Center (IAC) ... provides patent information and services to the public. The IAC is staffed by former Supervisory Patent Examiners and experienced Primary Examiners who answer general questions concerning patent examining policy and procedure."
Pro Se Law Center
"This website is designed as a resource center on self-representation in civil legal matters. Our purpose is to provide a collection of materials and resources that can be used to create legal service delivery systems that are based on the concept of "pro se" or "self" representation within federally funded legal services programs, courts, pro bono programs, and other community-based programs." Contains a listing of white papers and research, articles, books, cases and opinions, court rules, ethics opinions, and other reports about pro se parties. Also contains a national directory of court pro se sites.
The site reports that it is supported by a grant from the National Center for Automated Information Research, and that it is co-sponsored by ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services, Civil Justice Network, Inc., Clinical Program of the University of Maryland School of Law, Maryland Legal Assistance Network, and Maryland Legal Services Corporation
Pro Se Links
(American Judicature Society)
Links to tstate court self-help sites, local self-help sites, law school self-help sites, and related organizations around the country.
Self-Help Practitioners Support
"Our mission is to support practioners in the courts, community, and legal profession through the dissemination of relevant information on self-help and legal aid programs."
Self-Represented Litigants Resource Guide
(National Center for State Courts)
Includes both online and print resources.
Street Law, 6th edition
(Glencoe McGraw-Hill)
Street law is "practical law". General and practical principles and resources abound.
Understanding the Federal Courts
See also:
Wisconsin Legal Aid & Pro Bono Lawyers
Wisconsin State Court Forms
Wisconsin State Trial Courts
Agricultural Law
Child and Juvenile Law
Civil Rights Law
Consumer Complaint Forms & Documents
Consumer Law
Court and Litigation Forms & Documents
Creditor, Debtor and Bankruptcy Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Law Forms & Documents
Education and School Law
Elder Law
Employment and Labor Law
Family Law
Forms & Documents
Government Benefits Law
Immigration and Citizenship Law
Indian Law
Law and Other Libraries
Litigation & ADR
Poverty Law
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